
Table of Contents

Manage conditions

This document allows the Responsible Authority to list the conditions required to be met prior to certification and/or Statement of Compliance (SOC). Responsible Authorities, Applicant Contacts and referral authorities can indicate whether each condition has been satisfied and add comments.

The application will not progress to the next relevant status ('Certification Decision Pending' or 'SOC Decision Pending') until all required conditions have been met and confirmed by the Responsible Authority.

The Manage Conditions document can be created once the application has been lodged with the Responsible Authority.

Creating the 'Manage Conditions' document (Responsible Authorities)

  1. Select the optional action 'Manage Conditions' and click 'go'.
  2. Click the add a standard condition link to be presented with a list of standard conditions for your organisation.
    NOTE: Standard conditions must be set by your Local Administrator. For further information, see Local Administrator > Edit Organisation/Site.
    Check the box next to each condition you wish to add and select whether it relates to 'Cert' or 'SOC' from the 'Type' drop-down list. Enter a reference for each condition and make any amendments to the wording of the summary and details as required before clicking 'add'.
  3. Alternatively, click on the create a new condition link to add any other condition. You will need to indicate whether the condition relates to 'Cert' or 'SOC' and enter the reference, summary and details in the relevant fields before clicking 'add'.
  4. To copy a condition from an existing SPEAR application, click on the copy conditions from a previous application link. Enter the SPEAR reference number and click the magnifying glass icon. The conditions can be modified by clicking on the details & edit link.
  5. 5. It is recommended that you regularly click 'save' to ensure your conditions are saved. Once all conditions have been added, click 'save & notify' to notify other parties of the conditions.

Modifying and commenting on conditions (All users)

  1. Choose 'Modify' next to the Conditions document on the Details tab and click 'go'.
    NOTE: The Responsible Authority can add or delete conditions from this screen if required.
  2. Click on the details & edit link to view full details of a condition.
  3. Click on the add new comment link to indicate whether the condition has been satisfied and provide a comment before clicking 'add'. The Responsible Authority can modify the condition from this screen if required.
  4. Click 'save' to save your changes and comments. SPEAR will notify the other parties.

Confirming conditions (Responsible Authorities)

  1. Click on the optional action 'Manage Conditions' to view all conditions for this application.
  2. Click on the checkbox/es to confirm that all conditions have been met for certification and/or SOC and click 'save'.
  3. To complete the process, the Conditions document must be authenticated.
    NOTE: If there are still SOC conditions outstanding, a new conditions document containing only the SOC conditions will be automatically created.

If you require further information, see User Guide 29 - Managing Conditions.